We want to hear from you...What is your best Target Toss Pro: Bags score and what establisment did you toss it at? If you don't remember your score, just tell us where you think the best place to play Target Toss Pro: Bags is. We might feature you. And be sure to follow both @CornholeholeExpress & @TargetTossPro on Twitter.
Thank you Incredible Technologies for bringing Target Toss Pro: Bags into our lives. Not every tailgater can make it into the stadium. But for those fans, not all is lost, especially if your favorite sports bar has Target Toss Pro: Bags!
If you own a sports bar in Cornhole Country, or anywhere for that matter, and don't have one of these arcade style games, it is totally lost revenue. But that's not the point of this blog. The point of this cornhole blog is to introduce to the masses, the best arcade cornhole game there is.
Target Toss Pro: Bags is just as addicting as the real thing, simply because it is as close to the real thing as one can get. Keeping the charm of cornhole yet incorporating the "This time I'm gonna hole it" challenge of a real cornhole game. Target Toss Pro: Bags is the perfect alternative to the real deal.
You can play in any weather condition with crazy wind and challenging skill games. You have total control of the bags with different toss styles such as flop, slide, and bounce. And there is even a tournament mode for up to 16 players. Did we mention, just like the real cornhole game, you can play Target Toss Pro with a beer in hand.
Incredible Technologies even keeps a Bags Hall of Fame on their Web site. Players from around the country send in their photos with their winning scores to be slated one of the best Target Toss Pro Baggers around. They have yet to have anyone toss a perfect game. Will it be you?
All in all, Target Toss Pro: Bags is by far the best Cornhole style arcade game that any one of us here at Cornhole Express has ever played…drunk or sober. If your favorite sports bar doesn't have one of these games, demand they get one.
Just as sports bars have made us all better fans by bringing the game to us, Target Toss Pro has made us all better tailgaters by bringing the party in the lot to our favorite sports bar spot! (Yeah, we rhyme sometimes.)